The European Investigative Journalism Conference

EJTA teacher’s conference: Teaching data journalism

EJTA teacher conference 2021: Data Journalism

May 20-21, 2021 in cooperation with Dataharvest – the European Investigative Journalism conference

Program for Thursday May 20:

13:00Welcome to the 2021 EJTA teachers' conferenceEric Nahon, president of the European Journalism Training Association
Brigitte Alfter, director, Arena for Journalism in Europe
13:15-14:30Introducing a data curriculum

Why are journalists having a hard time working with data and short presentation of framework

Data journalism is not an Excel course

Getting over students’ math anxiety

Alexandra Stark (MAZ – The Swiss School of Journalism)

Jasper Wouters (Artevelde University of Applied Sciences Ghent)

Rayya Roumanos (Bordeaux Aquitaine Journalism Institute)

Dries Rombouts (Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, Ghent)
Brigitte Alfter (Arena for Journalism in Europe)
14:45-16:00How to teach data journalism
or: Don't be afraid of the numbers!

Vienna: Data journalism in a virtual inverted classroom - 18 online teaching units, bachelor level (mentimeter)

Barcelona: 2-week course to get them started

Utrecht: newly developed 4-year curriculum and data toolbox


Regula Blocher (University of Applied Sciences, Vienna)

Xavier Ramon
(Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona)

Elvira van Noort (University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht)

Laura Silvia Battaglia (Catholic University, Milan)
Brigitte Alfter (Arena for Journalism in Europe)
16:15-17:00Lightning talks “Best practice input”:
How to train the student’s data mindset
A structured method to question and verify
DJ as an instrument for promoting a scientific organization
Visualization tools for students
Ideas for first/small-scale data projects
“Why working in Python with Jupyter is…”

Sandra Foresti (University of Gothenburg)
Helena Löfving (University of Gothenburg)
Larisa Zhukovskaya and Ludmila Makarova (Lobachevsky State University)
Andreas Veglis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Alberto Puliafito (Catholic University Milan)
Barnaby Skinner (MAZ – The Swiss School of Journalism)

Nadia Vissers (Director of EJTA)
Brigitte Alfter (Arena)
17:15-18:15Test your research skills!
Solve some tricky riddles in online groups and have a drink together 🙂
Brigitte Alfter
Arena for Journalism in Europe
Christina Elmer Der Spiegel

Program for Friday May 21:

9:30-10:45Teaching students to see and tell the story

Keeping the journalistic focus in data teaching

Tools for storytelling (visuals, WP plugin, workbench)

Sandra Foresti (University of Gothenburg)
Helena Löfving (University of Gothenburg)

Andreas Veglis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Cyril Snijders (University of Applied Sciences Utrecht)
Brigitte Alfter (Arena for Journalism in Europe)
11:00-12.15How to develop your data journalism curriculum

Learn/teach coding or collaboration with IT students?

Bachelor and master’s level - finding the right level of complexity

Bite-size learning for working journalists.
Mid-career training for a whole business with missing data skills.

Frederik Marain (Artesis Plantijn University College, Antwerp)

Maria Hendrischke (University of Leipzig)

Alexandra Stark (MAZ – The Swiss School of Journalism)

Rayya Roumanos (Bordeaux Aquitaine Journalism Institute)
Brigitte Alfter (Arena for Journalism in Europe)
12:15-12:30Closure - where do we go from here?Eric Nahon, president of EJTA
Nadia Vissers, director of EJTA
Brigitte Alfter, Arena for Journalism in Europe