The European Investigative Journalism Conference

Breaking ground: How startups shape independent journalism across Europe

“Independent journalism—the kind that favours public interest over political, commercial, or factional agendas—is in peril,” states a recent Unesco report on “World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development.” But how can journalists remain independent in economically difficult times? Does the very funding of independent journalism call its independence into question? And what innovative … Read more

Food for thought: Dataharvest focuses on food and water

By Sarah Pilz In less than a month, and after two years of absence, Dataharvest  — the European Investigative Journalism Conference will return to Mechelen – and to its roots. What started with the Farmsubsidy project, a cross-border investigation into the EU’s agricultural funds, is now heading to the next stage with the food and … Read more

Get your digital security check-up at Dataharvest

One of the first steps into investigative journalism is an increased awareness of your digital safety – how to protect yourself, your research material, and your sources from prying eyes. At Dataharvest – EIJC 2022 we have a wide array of digital security sessions that range from advice for the budding investigator to best practices … Read more

Follow the €55 billion – the Farmsubsidy project revived 

Food concerns us all, and particularly right now, when the war in the Ukraine contributes to rising food prices and a possible global food crisis. Each year, the EU spends around €55 billion on subsidies under the Common Agricultural Policy. But who benefits from all this money? In principle, the recipients of these funds are … Read more

Thank you for all your ideas!

We have closed to call for proposals – and are so thankful for all the great ideas that you have shared with us! We are now sorting through them, making arrangements – and also realizing that we unfortunately won’t have space enough for all ideas. If we go ahead with your idea, you will hear … Read more

Data sessions for the new and the nerdy

At Dataharvest – The European Investigative Journalism Conference – you can refine your data skills, no matter if you are new to working with data or an experienced data journalist. Arena’s data journalism specialist Adriana Homolova and her fellow data trainers have cooked up a program that should cater for needs at many different levels. … Read more