The European Investigative Journalism Conference

Data Journalism Training – from nerdy to necessary

Arena/Dataharvest collaborates with the European Journalism Training Association on teachers’ conference on data journalism training . Exactly six years ago today, Dataharvest opened a pre-conference meeting of a large group of data trainers from across Europe – pioneers, who had the skills and the overview to not just do data journalism but also teach it … Read more

Dive deep into data journalism at Dataharvest

Looking to hone your data journalism skills? This years data sessions at Dataharvest again offer something for everybody. Our trainers will help you get into the right data state of mind. Not sure where to look for the right numbers? We have got you covered too. Data you need does not exist? No problem! Just … Read more

Who and what can hide in a website?

Websites may look like they’re designed to make information available to the public and to retain it for future verification and checkups. However, that’s often not really the case. To start with, there’s a trove of very relevant information that’s normally hiding behind what you see when you open a website on your browser. Who … Read more

Wood pellets from forest to furnace: Forests and environment pay the price

Looking for inspiring investigations related to climate? Maybe you have heard that wood pellets are an environment-friendly and CO2-neutral source of clean or green energy? Ah, well. Join us at Dataharvest 2021 for Fridays for Climate program to hear about Money to Burn, a cross-border investigation into biomass from journalists Hazel Sheffield, Piret Reiljan and Ties … Read more

Dataharvest Pop-Up: Meet the people behind “Cities for Rent”

Are rents constantly rising in your city? Has it been increasingly difficult to find adequate and affordable place? Has home ownership become only wishful thinking? High demand for flats across European cities has made housing a very attractive investment. While many people can’t find an affordable flat to live in, reports of a huge increase … Read more

Fridays for Climate!

We are adding a new element to Dataharvest! We are happy to announce that this year we will be featuring lots of sessions with great investigations on climate, hands-on climate-data and OSINT training. The sessions will take place on Fridays during the main three-week program of Dataharvest, May 18-June 4. Climate change is the story … Read more

OSINT – Investigative methods 2.0

  Are you interested in exploring ‘investigative journalism 2.0’? Join us for a Dataharvest session with investigative journalist Ben Heubl on May 19 (11-12:30 CET) to learn about basic and advanced techniques and tools for gathering and analysing open sources intelligence. Register for the conference Register for the session: Open source intelligence skills for investigative … Read more

Pop-Up: Going undercover to prove backlash against women’s and LGBTQ rights

Doctors on four continents, supported by US Christian right activists, are providing women with “dangerous” and unproven treatments that claim to ‘reverse’ medical abortions. This was proven in late March by reporters from OpenDemocracy. How did they research such a personal and delicate matter? And how big is this problem in Europe? Find out in … Read more

The Dataharvest 2021 program is out!

The program for Dataharvest 2021 has just been published! The 2021 conference will be an online event again – and we will meet for 3 weeks of conference and data skills training, followed by a number of masterclasses during the autumn months. The conference weeks have overall themes: 1) Investigative methods, 2) Data journalism and … Read more

Dataharvest grants for Eastern Europe and Russia

Would you like to participate in Dataharvest – but you don’t really have the money? If you are from Eastern Europe or Russia, you may be in luck: We have a number of participation grants to give out, thanks to the Norwegian foundation Frit Ord (Free Words)! We will distribute the grants between as many … Read more