The European Investigative Journalism Conference

Pre-conference: Masterclasses and HackDay


The day before the conference, journalists and coders get together for Hack Day to clean and prepare data sets for journalistic use – this year data that are relevant for the food and water theme. During the conference, participants can learn how to understand and use the data after they return to their newsrooms. Come join us, if you want to contribute and bring home your own data sets!

Master classes

Do you want to get deeper into a subject than is possible during a short conference session? Arrive a day earlier and participate in a full-day master class or seminar! We have three planned, beginning at 10 am:

You register for the master classes as part of your general conference registration – after ordering your general ticket, the master class options come in the next step.

There is a €30 fee to participate in the master classes – this covers coffee and lunch. The trainers are doing this to share their knowledge and skills with the investigative community, and we are deeply grateful for their contribution!