The European Investigative Journalism Conference

Arrive early, learn more – master classes and HackDay

Get the most out of your trip to Dataharvest – arrive a day earlier and dive into a masterclass. We have three options for honing your investigative skills on Thursday May 19: “How to investigate the EU recovery funds” with Lise Wittemann, Brussel-based journalist and coordinator of The Recovery Files “How to read annual reports … Read more

Ticket sales for EIJC 22 are open!

Now you can secure your ticket to Dataharvest – the European Investigative Journalism Conference 2022! Up to 500 European investigative journalists will gather in Mechelen, Belgium, to learn, cooperate and plan new collaborations during the conference. We have 125 tickets at the bargain price of €190 – on sale until February 15 or until sold … Read more

Let’s build a food and water network!

Food and water are essentials of life and in journalism often covered from aspects close to the individual. But food and water are also big business and international politics. Dataharvest 2022 will have Food and Water as a theme – and the goal will be to build a network of investigative journalists who cover and … Read more

Send us your ideas for Dataharvest 2022!

Dataharvest 2022 – the European Investigative Journalism Conference – will hopefully be back in Mechelen for a full-fledged conference! What would you like to hear? Which experiences do you want to share with others? Which keynote speaker would you suggest? Send us your ideas, and we will do our best! Deadline for this round of … Read more

Tackling online harassment

 Many journalists experience digital harassment because of their work. It ranges from harassing comments on social media to direct threats and coordinated campaigns to intimidate the journalist. It takes its toll: Many who are affected by this feel insecurity, stress, and depression, and it may in the long run lead to self-censorship. This masterclass teaches … Read more

Pop up: Unmasking Europe’s shadow armies – with OSINT tools

Border forces in Croatia, Greece and Romania have illegally ejected people seeking asylum. The story of illegal pushbacks at the EU’s external borders has been reported on over the past years, but a recent months-long investigation by Lighthouse Reports  has unmasked the groups behind the pushbacks and revealed who commands and finances them. In their … Read more

Pop-up: The making of the Pandora papers

Join us to hear how the largest cross-border collaboration to date exposes the hidden riches of the elite The biggest leak about tax havens to date, an unprecedented journalistic collaboration spanning across the globe and a number of important revelations showing how a shadowy financial system benefits the world’s most rich and powerful. Join us … Read more

Dealing with data and investigating its consequences

How do we track surveillance and deal with cybersecurity? How do we investigate abuse of personal data? How can we assess the lobbying power of big tech? These are questions of acute importance for all journalists – here is a chance to get closer to some answers! Join us for a series of three half-day … Read more