Get the most out of your trip to Dataharvest – arrive a day earlier and dive into a masterclass. We have three options for honing your investigative skills on Thursday May 19:
- “How to investigate the EU recovery funds” with Lise Wittemann, Brussel-based journalist and coordinator of The Recovery Files
- “How to read annual reports and follow the money” with Emanuel Sidea, investigative business journalist with Dagens Industri (Sweden)
- “Working with Open Source Intelligence” – with Benjamin Strick, investigations director, and Benjamin Den Braber, OSINT lead, both at Center for Information Resilience
On May 19, we also have the traditional HackDay where we find and clean data sets and put them to journalistic use. Join if you can squeeze a data set, code – or have data to work on.
Read more about the Thursday program
Register for the Dataharvest conference and the May 19 activities