The European Investigative Journalism Conference

The Arena Housing List shows its potential

Since we launched it on 4 September, the Arena Housing List has kept growing and now has 130+ members. Most of them are journalists but there are also academic researchers, advocates and other practitioners and activists. Almost everyone is based in Europe while a few others based in North America.

During these weeks, list members have sent over 40 emails in which they have shared media stories, academic reports and data sources. They have also told the list about their ongoing projects, made professional connections and even written stories based on or inspired by information received by the list.

This enthusiasm has kept the momentum going and given us a first view of what we are able to achieve if we work together. And we at Arena are working already on the next steps to continue developing the Arena Housing Project as an open collaborative network.

Like other European cross-border collaborative projects, the idea for the Arena Housing Project was born at Dataharvest, the European Investigative Journalism Conference.

During the conference last May, which was focused on local reporting and on housing, more than two dozen journalists and other professionals came together to brainstorm ways to collaborate across borders so that our work gets more visible and impactful.

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